Legendary journalist Edward R. Murrow is undoubtedly the first hero in the history of American broadcasting, a distinguished reporter who forever set the industry gold standard through his unparalleled courage, integrity and newsgathering excellence. From his electrifying World War II frontline coverage to his once-in-a-lifetime interviews with such prominent 20th century icons as John F. Kennedy, Louis Armstrong and Fidel Castro, Murrow truly understood the spellbinding beauty and power of the spoken word, and television would forever be indebted to his unique contributions.Narrated by former CBS newsman Charles Kuralt, THIS REPORTER presents a compellingly candid portrait of Murrow’s illustrious career and features rarely-seen clips from the CBS News Archives and interviews with his esteemed peers. From his gutsy search for journalistic truths during the McCarthy era to his celebrated Person to Person chats with Marilyn Monroe and Marlon Brando, this in-depth documentary explores how Murrow’s pioneering work left an indelible mark on American broadcasting. Peter Jennings, Dan Rather, Ted Koppel, and Barbara Walters are on-hand to reflect upon the fascinating life of America’s first television journalist.
昨天凌晨终于把《下一站是幸福》给补完了。追剧的中途我大多数时候都开着弹幕,看到有不少人说女主贺繁星绿茶的,有说她脚踏两条船的,也有人说“如果你也岁,喜欢上一个比自己小十岁的男人,你会能理解她”。 贺繁星的人设确实容易引发争议,在两个男人之间徘徊的戏份也确实比一般国产剧多了一点,无怪乎刚刚播出的时候豆瓣评分曾经达到,现在已经下跌到了。 谈谈国产偶像剧的女主人设 如许多观众所说,这部剧的部分设定是有些经不起推敲的,其中问题最大的就是女主。一个岁的美女,性格爽朗,形
第一次写剧评,因为对九号秘事太喜欢了,一季才六集,一天就看了,第一集沙丁鱼因为很有意思,所以就一直往后看了。最开始鬼鬼祟祟的找人游戏,Rebecca找到了衣柜里面的伊恩,刚开柜门那会,伊恩真的把我吓到了 一束奇怪的光,不过这也预示着后面的剧情吧,伊恩不是那么简单的,最开始挑选衣柜这个地方就是有企图的,他表现的完全是一个普通的蠢蛋的样子,我从头到尾都没有想过他会有什么问题,有两个人在房间里搞的时候保姆胖奶奶非常自然的就叫出了一句话,其他人都只是小声的咳嗽一下之类的,可见以前她帮爸爸