Kaspar is a young filmmaker willing to develop his projects in cinema. He passes his time drawing, writing and making up his own imaginary world, that day by day seems to be getting more and more real. He shares his thoughts with Helix, a young photographer interested in death and the capture of images, with Schulz, a doll maker who is obsessed by the theories about creation and dummies, and with Bertolt, a fellow filmmaker that never got over the failure of his first movie, destroyed by a short-sighted production team.To fix his ideas, Kaspar begins shooting a movie on himself, a sort of book of cinematic notes, made from drawings, pictures, short animations, sounds, words and music... made of dreams and nightmares.As time goes by, his movie takes shape but Kaspar increasingly grows away from the real world, until he eventually realizes that he himself is just a product of his own imagination, and that all of his pals are really imaginary friends.Nonetheless, before he completely vanishes into his own dreams, he understands that there's something he can do to leave a sign, a trace in the real world, that will testify to his existence, his ideas, his desires. Kaspar realizes that, just like a real human being is able to give birth to imaginary characters and fantastic worlds, an imaginary being like himself has the power to create real things.
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你见,或者不见我我就在那里不悲不喜你念,或者不念我情就在那里不来不去你爱,或者不爱我爱就在那里不增不减你跟,或者不跟我我的手就在你手里不舍不弃来我的怀里或者让我住进你的心里默然相爱寂静欢喜 《见于不见》 仓央嘉措----------------------------------------------------------------------------------记得很久前就从虹虹那里拿来了电子版,一直放着没看,现在电视剧火了,才想起它来虽然这部电视剧有N多不合逻辑违背历史的雷人处,几次甚至差点把我雷焦但剧情进去了,还是蛮感人的特别是老四最后写给晴川的这首诗,我被彻底闪到了,单相思到了这个程度,也算是一种境界了吧老八和晴川,看这部剧的人应该都最爱这一对吧,虽然晴川刚开始犹犹豫豫的,可老八从头至尾始终如一,最后也算完美收场,最幸福的一对老四和晴川,我实在是见不得雍正帝陷入热恋的状况,相当奇怪。。。康熙在剧中分析的很透彻,如果生在乱世,胤禛一定是皇位最佳人选,有谋略够狠毒,